((]... (((FINDER DAT"((^.Acknow.htmlCKNOW~1HTM Y%FZ%2 ESOURCEFRK((a.Foreword.htmlOREWO~1HTM gY%ZZ% HouseTJA-C.htmlOUSEA~1HTM hfZ%p~Z% HouseD-I.htmlOUSED~1HTM hfZ%RZ%House{K-M.htmlOUSEK~1HTM hfZ%Z%THouseN.htmlOUSEN~1HTM hfZ%ڍZ%House[O-S.htmlOUSEO~1HTM hfZ%/Z%HouseSsT-W.htmlOUSET~1HTM hfZ%Z%wHVotet;s.htmlVOTES~1HTM Y%8}Z%@Method.htmlETHOD~1HTM oY%|Z% NHLA.htmlHLA~1 HTM MY%Z%SenateAM.htmlENATE~1HTM Y%}Z%pISenatMeNW.htmlENATE~2HTM Y% }Z%DSVotes.htmlVOTES~1HTM Y%|Z% on accurate, timely information. The public's right to petition the government to redress grievances and promote the public interest - and to hold government officials accountable for their actions - requires public knowledge and understanding of the actions taken by such officials. Similarly, the right of the governed to choose their own elected officials requires an informed citizenry.

All Americans are acutely aware of the difference between rhetoric and action. Many public officials have become very deft in conveying messages that resonate with the public. Sometimes these officials act in ways consistent with their words, other times they take actions contrary to what they say. It is our hope that the 1998 NHLA Congressional Scorecard will provide the public with an objective tool for assessing the performance of Congress on issues that matter most to Latinos. We believe that this kind of information is key to promoting a more engaged and empowered Latino community.

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