Resolution - Civil Rights of the Citizens of Puerto Rico

WHEREAS, on July 14, 2007, LULAC approved a Resolution requesting the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, to act in the most expeditious manner and provide recommendations that would assist the government of the United States of America in remedying, once and for all, the current unlawful circumstances to which the 4 million U.S. citizens who reside in Puerto Rico have been subject for far too long.
WHEREAS, everything stated and approved in the afore-mentioned Resolution is hereby ratified and the requirements therein stipulated are demanded once again.
WHEREAS, under international law, the consent of some of the victims whose human and civil rights have been violated does not condone, excuse or legitimize any government from its responsibility to provide and guarantee those rights that have been denied.

 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that LULAC ratifies and reiterates, and claims once again the expressed exigencies contained its petition previously approved on July 14. 2007, on behalf of the 4 million U.S. citizens who reside in Puerto Rico; and formally requests, once again, that the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights act in the most expeditious manner and provide recommendations that would assist our government in remedying, once and for all, the current unlawful circumstances to which the 4 million U.S. citizens who reside in Puerto Rico have been subject for far too long

Approved this 18th day of July 2009.

Rosa Rosales
LULAC National President