Resolution - Support for US Recognition of the Chihene Nde Warm Springs Band of Chiricahua Apache

WHEREAS, the League of United Latin American Citizens is the nation’s oldest and largest Latino membership organization and since its inception has fostered higher education and the advancement of all Hispanics at all levels and facets of our American society; and

WHEREAS, the state of Nuevo Mexico is the birth place and homeland of Chihene Nde Warm Springs Band of Chiricahua Apache (Red Paint People) and famous Apache leaders such as Mangas Coloradoas, Mangas, Victorio, Nana and Lozen; and

WHEREAS, The US entered into several treaties with the ancestors of the people of Chihene Nde Warms Springs Band of Chiricahua Apache and never kept one single promise much less honored any of the treaties, and the US Government has yet to formally restore recognition of the Band, after more than one hundred years of a policy of removal of these people from their homeland; and

WHEREAS, many Hispanos living in New Mexico, Texas and Arizona also possess Apache ancestry and desire the reunification of their relatives and LULAC has been a powerful vehicle in promoting civil rights and equality for all minorities ; and

WHEREAS, LULAC and the Chihene Nde Warm Springs Band of Chiricahua Apache have developed a positive partnership in the cooperative endeavor in attempting encourage the U.S. Government to formally re-recognize the Band; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the League support and encourage all civil rights organizations and minority groups to urge the U.S Government to immediately initiate dialogue with Chihene Nde Warms Springs Band of Chiricahua Apache, and

FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the League seek and request the assistance of the United States Department of Justice to assist in the mediation and negotiations between the US Government and the Chihene Nde Warms Springs Band of Chiricahua Apache of New Mexico with the endeavor to formally obtain re-recognition and provide federal lands in the last reservation of the Band, the Ojo Caliente Warm Springs Indian Reservation in New Mexico (the traditional and sacred homelands of the Band) for economic development purposes and tribal sovereignty.

Approved this 12th day of July 2008.
Rosa Rosales
LULAC National President