Resolution - Puerto Rico Territory

WHEREAS, Puerto Rico continues to be a territory of the United States 110 years after being ceded by Spain at the conclusion of the Spanish-American War.

WHEREAS, over the years, in the exercise of its plenary powers over Puerto Rico under the Territorial Clause of the Constitution of the United States, Congress has denied the U.S. citizens who reside in Puerto Rico with their right to full self-government.

WHEREAS, the U.S citizens who reside in Puerto Rico have never been provided with a real process of self-determination whereby they would be able to select from among non-territorial options that are recognized by the United States Constitution and which allow for the establishment of a permanent status between the people of Puerto Rico and the Government of the United States.

WHEREAS, the President’s Task Force on Puerto Rico’s States, established by virtue of Executive Order 13183 of December 23, 2000, as amended, has submitted two reports which formulate the official public policy position of the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government with regards to the need to establish a permanent non-territorial status in Puerto Rico as selected by the U.S. citizens who reside in the territory.

WHEREAS, H.R. 900, formally known as the “Puerto Rico Democracy Act of 2007”, basically adopts the policy recommendations of both reports submitted by the President’s Task Force on Puerto Rico’s Status.

WHEREAS, this fully bipartisan measure presented by Congressman José E. Serrano (D-NY) and Resident Commissioner Luis Fortuño (R-PR) has been co-sponsored by 128 other members of Congress, including 8 other Hispanic members of the House of Representatives.

WHEREAS, H.R. 900 has been favorable reported by the Committee on Natural Resources of the U.S. House of Representatives.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the League of United Latin American Citizens fully supports congressional approval of H.R. 900 in order to provide the U.S. citizens who reside in Puerto Rico with the opportunity to finally exercise their inalienable right to self-determination.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution constitutes a clear and specific mandate for LULAC so that all appropriate actions can be undertaken to fully and actively support these and any other efforts by their fellow U.S. citizens who reside in Puerto Rico.

Approved this 11th day of July 2008.
Rosa Rosales
LULAC National President