Resolution - May 12th Movement- Movimiento 12 De Mayo

WHEREAS, Iowa, USA (in view of the recent Postville raids) appears to be the very center of a target for the US Immigration Customers Enforcement (ICE), be it resolved that all the Iowa League of United Latin American Citizens Councils (LULAC) hereby make remembrance of May 12, 2008, a National LULAC Movement;

THEREFORE, every 12th day of every month, starting July 12, 2008, at 12 noon, CDT all LULAC Councils and their members will observe two minutes of prayer or reflection.

FURTHERMORE, be it resolved that this observance will end within Congress passes an immigration bill that is compassionate, fair, and leading to citizenship within a short time and/ or a moratorium on further raids by ICE.

ALSO, every council and LULAC member should call on this date their senators and congressman to demand immediate passage of such an immigration bill as well as the following listed elected officials:

Hon. Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House

Hon. Harry Reid
Senate Majority Leader

Hon. Mel Martinez
National Chairman

Members should also be encouraged to promote and read Hispanic authored by Mr. Geraldo Rivera.

Approved this 11th day of July 2008.
Rosa Rosales
LULAC National President