

Whereas, The DREAM Act (S. 2075) was introduced by Senators Durbin of Illinois, Hagel of Nevada, and Lugar of Indiana, and is pending before the 109th Congress; and 

Whereas, the DREAM Act will provide for the adjustment of immigration status to over 65,000 students throughout the United States who presently are undocumented; and 

Whereas, this legislation will provide for legalization and a path towards citizenships for students who entered into the U.S. before the age of 16; and 

Whereas, the DREAM Act provides for certain requirements to be met by students who have a high school diploma or GED at time of application for relief and be accepted into a two- or four-year institution of higher education; and 

Whereas; the DREAM Act would allow for a six year “conditional status” of applicants during which applicants must earn a college degree or serve in the U.S. Armed Forces for at least two years,  

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that LULAC endorses and supports passage of the DREAM Act, S. 2075.

Adopted this 1st day of July 2006.

Rosa Rosales
LULAC National President

LULAC  l  2000 L Street, NW, Suite 610  l  Washington, DC 20036  l  (202) 833-6130  Fax: (202) 833-6135