News Release

LULAC Leader Calls for Safe Return of U.S. Soldiers

CONTACT, Brent Wilkes, (202) 408-0060

April 6, 1999

HOUSTON--The head of the nation's largest Hispanic civil rights organization is calling for the swift and safe return of the three U.S. servicemen captured by Serb forces Wednesday afternoon. Staff Sgt. Andrew A. Ramirez, Spc. Steven Gonzales, and Staff Sgt. James Stone were captured by Serbian troops outside of Pristina, Kosovo, while on a reconnaissance mission in Macedonia. The three were part of a United Nations peacekeeping force protecting that country.

"Our hopes and prayers are with these men and their families," stated Rick Dovalina, president of the League of United Latin American Citizens. "They have placed their lives on the line for our country and we must do everything in our power to ensure their safe return."

Two of the three soldiers are Hispanic: Staff Sgt. Ramirez , 24, of East Los Angeles, California, and Spc. Gonzales, 21, of Huntsville, Texas. The third captive, Staff Sgt. Stone, 25, is from Smiths Creek, Michigan.

"Hispanic Americans have an exemplary record of service to our country. Sgt. Ramirez and Spc. Gonzales are upholding our community's fine tradition of military service that includes 38 recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor-the highest number per capita of any community," said Dovalina. "We are united behind them and all U.S. troops seeking to stop ethnic cleansing in Kosovo."

The LULAC leader was especially concerned with reports that the soldiers might be tried by Yugoslavia as criminals. "These individuals are innocent young men just doing their duty for their country," stated Dovalina. "They are prisoners of war and are protected from harm and prosecution by international law."

The League of United Latin American Citizens is the oldest and largest Hispanic civil rights organization in the United States. Organized in 1929, LULAC has thousands of members in more than 600 chapters nationwide who seek to improve the quality of life for Hispanic Americans.


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