Press Release: LULAC Joins Drop Dobbs Campaign Targeting Lou Dobbs Advertisers.

LULAC joins 14 other organizations in holding host’s advertisers accountable.

September 18, 2009

Contact: Lizette Jenness Olmos
(202) 365-4553

Washington, DC – CNN’s Lou Dobbs has taken to attacking the League of United Latin American Citizens, the largest and oldest Hispanic civil rights organization in the country, and other organizations at events held this week hosted by an anti-immigrant group the Federation of American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a group termed by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group.

“It is time that we put a stop to Lou Dobbs and his lies. He falsified the name of LULAC during his radio show from the FAIR rally calling LULAC a “left wing socio-ethnocentric group,” said LULAC National President Rosa Rosales. “Over the years, Lou Dobbs has consistently used his CNN platform to spread hate and fear. We are asking his sponsors to stop advertising on his show.”

LULAC joined the Drop Dobbs coalition. Other partners include Media Matters for America, National Council of La Raza, Center for Community Change, Center for New Community, Dolores Huerta Foundation, The Hispanic Institute, National Hispanic Media Coalition, National Puerto Rican Coalition, NDN, Southern Poverty Law Center, Reform Immigration for America, Voto Latino, Netroots Nation, LCLAA and America's Voice. The coalition is calling on corporations to drop their advertising on CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight until CNN disassociates themselves from Lou Dobbs.

“Words have consequences and much is at stake,” said Rosales. “According to the FBI statistics there has been an increase on the number of attacks on Latinos and substantial growth of hate groups targeting Latinos.”

CNN prides itself as the most trusted name in news. We hope CNN President/CEO Jon Klein would not want to be affiliated with someone spreading misconceptions about Latinos and increasing hate in the country. According to a Pew study it says CNN has a relentless search for the truth if so, why does CNN continue to endorse Dobbs conspiracy theories regarding immigration.

The Lou Dobbs sponsors are paying for the following:

  • Dobbs advanced racially charged conspiracy theories about Obama’s birth certificate.

  • Dobbs has close ties to “hate group” FAIR.

  • Dobbs said Sotomayor nomination was “absolute pandering to the Hispanics.”

  • Dobbs declared that “Mexico has become our enemy.”

  • Dobbs smeared U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce as “interested in the export of American capital and production to Mexico, and Mexico’s export of drugs and illegal aliens.”

  • Dobbs fear-mongered about Mexican “reconquista” plot.

  • Dobbs aired hate group graphic to illustrate “the Vicente Fox Aztlan tour.”

  • Dobbs spread leprosy falsehood in claiming “invasion of illegal aliens” is threatening Americans’ “health.”

  • Dobbs asked if Obama is “pandering to ethnocentric special interests again” by accepting Gov. Bill Richardson’s endorsement.

  • Dobbs praised Philadelphia English-only sign ruling as “a defeat for ethnocentric special interests.”

For more information please visit

The League of United Latin American Citizens advances the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of Hispanic Americans through community-based programs operating at more than 700 LULAC councils nationwide.
