News Release

Hispanic Leaders and Congressional Allies Call for
Equity in Federal Education Programs

WASHINGTON--The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), along with members of congress, and representatives of the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda (NHLA) will deliver a press conference addressing the crisis in Hispanic education and the inequity in federal support of educational services to the Hispanic community. The following members of congress are expected to attend: Senator Bingaman (D-NM), Senator Hutchison (R-TX), Congressman Becerra (D-CA), Congressman Hinojosa (D-TX), Congressman Torres (D-CA), and Congressman Green (D-TX).

Hispanic educational attainment is currently the lowest of any major population group in the United States. The federal government currently targets much less spending to this community than fairness and equity would dictate. While we are happy to report a significant increase in the authorization level for Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSIs), we realize that this is the first step of many that will need to be taken in order to help our children succeed.

One of the key areas of inequity has been in obtaining support for HSIs. While the authorization level for HSIs is the highest it has ever been, speakers will send a message to the House and Senate urging Congress to raise the appropriation level for HSI funding to $28 million. This increase is necessary to strengthen support for these long neglected institutions with high Hispanic enrollments.

Another key area of inequity is in the Federal TRIO programs. Currently Hispanics comprise 30% of the students eligible to participate in the Federal TRIO programs (Upward Bound, Talent Search, Student Support Services, Educational Opportunity Centers) yet make up only 15% of the participants. Conference participants will urge Congress to direct the Department of Education to address this underrepresentation.

Please join us at:

What: Press Conference

When: Friday, October 2, 1998

Where: The House Triangle

Time: 11 a.m.

If you have any questions please contact LULAC at (202) 408-0060.



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